Well good news part 2; besides the paint being rescued, when I brought it home yesterday the TPMS was disabled again so no warning light. Se weird. It must have something to do with the driver door switch being removed and reinstalled. They did that when installing new handles, maybe with the battery disconnected IDK. I heard that's where the TPMS resides, in fact with the Tech 2 that's the menu where I can access that function. so weird though. The P2270 (bank 1 sensor 2 stuck lean/ biased lean) came back again so it looks like I'll be installing that O2 sensor I bought after all and see if that fixes it. I checked for bad wiring/ corrosion or an exhaust leak last week and didn't find any so hopefully it's just a sensor. Happy about the TPMS though, glad I didn't order sensors and start building my PVC pressure tube like I almost did. Damn, hope I didn't just jinx myself. I did drive it out to dinner last night though so It's been on 2 short trips so far and no light.