I got a DIC switch from ebay for 18 bucks, carefully cut out the opening with a dremel tool and used a 5 minute Gel epoxy to glue it in place, the regular epoxy is to runny and will get into the buttons, which renders the switch useless. other than that it's plug and play, the wiring is right there when you pull off the dash panel. or you can buy the whole panel from ebay but it won't be brushed silver.
The steering wheel new is about 200.00, I got a used one for 80.00. the side panels next to the airbag will peel off with you fingernails. there are other threads on this forum about that.I thought about getting some brushed silver vinyl from a sign shop and doing it myself.
The console I got was I think 359.00 and it's huge you could mount a gun safe inside if you wanted to.. You can also change out your over head console and get one with the built in garage door opener, I got one for like 80 bucks, cheap upgrades, but put the niceties of an LT model