@vsp4717 was right, not much room was needed to get this socket to fit. In fact, if the factory faceplate was thinner, this USB hub would actually thread in. The barrel of the hub fits perfectly into the opening, here is the "just the tip" teaser.
So, I had to come up with a way to gain more clearance and make sure to keep the socket opening 'round'. I found an 18mm socket would work great.
I had some sandpaper with velcro backing, for a sanding block. I grabbed some 80grit and wrapped the socket went to work. Normally I don't wrap it.....doesn't feel natural.
Here it is after I pulled out. Awwwww yeah......grab a rag.
The socket came with a locking right you can thread on, but with the center pocket in that lower trim panel, there is no way it would fit on all the way. If you could get it on, it would certainly be crooked. And this USB socket won't sit "flat" on the face, unless you clearanced a little of the shoulder of the face itself. I didn't mind the ~2mm gap, since the rubber grommet/cover for the USB outlets sort of filled it.
So I test fit the socket, and determined I could sand off 2 of the knuckles on the retainer ring. I could still thread the ring on, but would have the sanded side butt against the center pocket. This would also give me a place to super glue the retaining ring to that center pocket.