Correct application for the NGK iridium plugs. You bought the cheapest set of AZ plug wires and likely made in China. These trucks like quality parts. I would have chose the AC Delco wires, 748HH, or Delphi wires, XS10389 or NGK wires, 51033 or 51430 depending on ignition coil design. You want another 100k miles out of the plugs and wires and I would not trust Duralast wires for that long. Plus, right out of the box, the wires are suspect. Or, you need to recheck your work and see if you did something incorrectly. DID you use Dielectric grease on the wires during install? You did not say.I apologize about that. I edited the post and included all the information of the vehicle. I was replacing the plugs and wires because they have never been replaced since the car was bought. The first ones were a-premium spark plugs and wires, and then I bought the NGK IX Iridium Spark Plugs 7397, and then the Duralast Silicone Spark Plug Wire Set 4713. There is no other codes at all.
P0300 is "multiple misfires on multiple cylinders. WHY?