Just look at who you’re buying from. The seller is listed- it will say “sold by” and if it’s not Amazon I look at the reviews and know I’m taking more of a chance. Fulfilled by Amazon isn’t the same as sold by Amazon- that just means the seller uses Amazon’s warehouse and shipping to peddle their goods. Amazon will still refund your purchase from third-party sellers though- I just got a full refund for a replacement cover for my Abba Patio carport that I bought last winter through a third party on there. There were no other of these available anywhere else at the time. It ripped after 6 months and I think it was counterfeit. I called Amazon because the seller didn’t offer warranty coverage and they refunded my purchase immediately.This is definitely good to know! I have purchased a number of items from Amazon and have had no issue. I’ve seen the 3rd party ads and now that you’ve said something about it, they don’t take a lot of research to look like they’re selling knock off goods. Thanks for the info!