You guys aren't gonna believe this shit.....
And the winner is *drumroll*
A faulty ground connection for the low low price of $788!
It took over 10hr to find it and he gave me over a 50% discount all said and done. The evap issues are also handled, that was due to the purge valve. He stepped out early so I didn't get full details but I'll post back with exactly what and where next week.
I know, they are fun to drive - but expensive to repair. Then again, nothing is cheap, right. So far, I've done a tune up, $450 with a bunch of diagnosis included and the fuel pump in July, that was $850 and that would have been more but I saved a couple hundred but buying the fuel pump first - then I got lucky because that mechanic, who I wanted to do the work was willing to put the pre-bought fuel pump in.
I fixed a-with some ac-stop leak, saved a couple hundred there and mechanics don't like to use stop leak-spent $200. Plus brakes - did my self. Shocks in the back... And still need lower ball joints in the front, but not immediately. I feel like Johnny Cash who built it one piece at a time. lol