Felix, aint that the truth! When we were test driving ours i told my wife that we shouldd look at a Burb but she said no way there to big to drive. Now we sometimes wish we would have. Haha.
Haha I know man I didn't think I would EVER need the amount of room in a Burb but after only one kid i'm eating my words. I will have at least 1-2 more so the Burb is definitely in my future. My fiance said the same thing but I told her the Avy is the same frame and she's driven that so she she's good to go

Although when I picked her up from the airport two weeks ago she drove home and on the way out she scraped the drivers side mirror right into the toll booth to pay for the parking while I was there... so yea women are bad drivers period lol..
---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 AM ----------
I wish I would have bought a Suburban instead of my 07 Tahoe. I passed on a good one before cause I wasn't too keen on my wife driving a Burb (coming from a Saturn Vue) and I just didn't realize how much bigger the Burb was until I got my 04.
Do you have more than one kid? If so yea the burb woulda been a better fit haha. Although when yall go places you can always take your 04 burb...