The 5.3l does have fuel dilution issues as well, but the problem is the 6.2l is configured to operate at lower RPMs and higher Torque than the 5.3l, mainly because the 5.3l cannot supply the same amount of Torque. When you put the excessive Torque on the bearings with diluted 0W20 oil, you cannot continue to run on a film of oil. So you start to self destruct pretty quickly. The 5.3l has more safety margin for diluted fuel than the 6.2l due to lower Torque loading, the 5.3l uses more RPM to get the job done.
About your question about why the Honda did not burn as much oil, lots of variables here, some of these are facts, some are assumptions. Could even be the way the vehicle is driven, I also would assume the Honda is not operating under as extreme Low RPM/High Torque operation
A few differences
4 cylinders vs 8 cylinders more ring gap, more rings with more gaps
Larger bore diameter, more oil film on greater surface area to be washed down and mixed in cylinder to be burned
V8 has larger oil capactiy which causes engine to take longer to fully warm up and all parts to expand, at 50F ambient it takes 30 minutes of driving for oil to warm up
DFM causing vacuum pumping in deactivated cylinders to include Decel With Fuel Cut Off
More blowby and crankcase pressures on V8 as 2x number of cylinders, larger bore diameter, more crankcase pressures due to more pistons pumping and longer stroke, causing more oil vapors to pass PCV system back into intake path
I would really look into why the Honda is "Making Oil". Assume it may be a turbo motor?
Might check to verify the engine is getting up to proper engine temperature, thermostat could be soft and causing engine to run cool, overly rich and not warm oil up enough to "cook off" fuel? I know the Dallas area has had a lot of cold weather this Winter, maybe the owner has been starting the car and allowing it to idle for warm up, not good idea. Maybe a lot of short driving trips?
Suggest owner cut the OCI in 1/2 for a while and check oil every 2nd fill up to see what is going on. Also smell oil when checking for excessive fuel as well.
The 5.3l does have fuel dilution issues as well, but the problem is the 6.2l is configured to operate at lower RPMs and higher Torque than the 5.3l, mainly because the 5.3l cannot supply the same amount of Torque. When you put the excessive Torque on the bearings with diluted 0W20 oil, you cannot continue to run on a film of oil. So you start to self destruct pretty quickly. The 5.3l has more safety margin for diluted fuel than the 6.2l due to lower Torque loading, the 5.3l uses more RPM to get the job done.
About your question about why the Honda did not burn as much oil, lots of variables here, some of these are facts, some are assumptions. Could even be the way the vehicle is driven, I also would assume the Honda is not operating under as extreme Low RPM/High Torque operation
A few differences
4 cylinders vs 8 cylinders more ring gap, more rings with more gaps
Larger bore diameter, more oil film on greater surface area to be washed down and mixed in cylinder to be burned
V8 has larger oil capactiy which causes engine to take longer to fully warm up and all parts to expand, at 50F ambient it takes 30 minutes of driving for oil to warm up
DFM causing vacuum pumping in deactivated cylinders to include Decel With Fuel Cut Off
More blowby and crankcase pressures on V8 as 2x number of cylinders, larger bore diameter, more crankcase pressures due to more pistons pumping and longer stroke, causing more oil vapors to pass PCV system back into intake path
I would really look into why the Honda is "Making Oil". Assume it may be a turbo motor?
Might check to verify the engine is getting up to proper engine temperature, thermostat could be soft and causing engine to run cool, overly rich and not warm oil up enough to "cook off" fuel? I know the Dallas area has had a lot of cold weather this Winter, maybe the owner has been starting the car and allowing it to idle for warm up, not good idea. Maybe a lot of short driving trips?
Suggest owner cut the OCI in 1/2 for a while and check oil every 2nd fill up to see what is going on. Also smell oil when checking for excessive fuel as well.