wow... thanks everyone!!!
This is my tahoe but I have to admit my father in law built the entire truck from stock. It has been my envy for ever. I have owned three 2 drs since he bought this and ive tried to make all of them as nice as this.
3 months ago he passed away completely unexpected rom a blood clot at the age of 58. He left me his tahoe. I miss him so much because we were extremely close. I love the fact that I am even considered for TOTM. My goal is to show off HIS truck as much as possible. I want everyone to know how awesome he was.
Sorry about losing your father in law. I totally understand you wanting to show off "his" tahoe as much as you can, and it looks great!
Mine was my father-in-laws as well. He passed in early 2008 from pancreatic cancer. THis was the first new car he ever bought, and searched for months for one this color. He loooooved this thing. For me, it feels like taking care of the truck is my connection with him, you know.
Anyways, back on topic, your Tahoe is awesome!