Well, since I bragged about it the other day it decided to break on me. 2005 1500 suburban LT 4x4, push button h/l/auto.
When trying to switch it from 4h to 4l, there was a loud pop and the transfer case went to neutral and stayed there.
I pulled the front driveshaft and the servomotor and managed to get it into a high range to make it home. Found a broken drive gear in the servomotor but I'm not sure yet if that's a cause or a symptom?
I know that the index on the selector shaft points at 6 o'clock in neutral. Where are the other positions for the selector shaft?
When trying to switch it from 4h to 4l, there was a loud pop and the transfer case went to neutral and stayed there.
I pulled the front driveshaft and the servomotor and managed to get it into a high range to make it home. Found a broken drive gear in the servomotor but I'm not sure yet if that's a cause or a symptom?
I know that the index on the selector shaft points at 6 o'clock in neutral. Where are the other positions for the selector shaft?