So Today I was driving through a parking lot and all of a sudden my 03
Yukon started jerking real bad and barely going. Put it in park and then drive
again and it didnt want to go anywhere. I had to rev up the engine to get it to
even move and when it did it was jerking alot. My first thought was the
transmission was going out. Tried to put it into low gears to see if it would
move (its an automatic so I tried 3 first) and no matter what gear I put it into I
had the same issue. Thinking it was the transmission I put it into reverse to
see if I still had that gear and was able to drive it backwards a good ways to
back it into a parking spot with no issues. Another motorists near by came
over to check on me and when describing the issue and when trying second
gear he heard and saw what it was doing. He thought it might be the rear
end because the noise seemed to be coming from the rear. When looking
under the car it seemed to be leaking fluid around the diff where the drive
shaft is attached. Another symptom is that when putting the car in neutral it
will not roll, which also makes me think the rear end is locked up. But what I
cant figure out is that if the rear end is locked up why would it be able to
drive in reverse with seemingly no issue. Wouldnt it have the same issue in
reverse? But if its the transmission then why when I put it in neutral will it not
roll? Any help or tips to help diagnose would be appreciated.
Yukon started jerking real bad and barely going. Put it in park and then drive
again and it didnt want to go anywhere. I had to rev up the engine to get it to
even move and when it did it was jerking alot. My first thought was the
transmission was going out. Tried to put it into low gears to see if it would
move (its an automatic so I tried 3 first) and no matter what gear I put it into I
had the same issue. Thinking it was the transmission I put it into reverse to
see if I still had that gear and was able to drive it backwards a good ways to
back it into a parking spot with no issues. Another motorists near by came
over to check on me and when describing the issue and when trying second
gear he heard and saw what it was doing. He thought it might be the rear
end because the noise seemed to be coming from the rear. When looking
under the car it seemed to be leaking fluid around the diff where the drive
shaft is attached. Another symptom is that when putting the car in neutral it
will not roll, which also makes me think the rear end is locked up. But what I
cant figure out is that if the rear end is locked up why would it be able to
drive in reverse with seemingly no issue. Wouldnt it have the same issue in
reverse? But if its the transmission then why when I put it in neutral will it not
roll? Any help or tips to help diagnose would be appreciated.