I have been looking on various websites (,, etc) for good tuners for my '00 Yukon. I have been leaning toward the Bully Dog brand tuners so I looked at them. Summit has two that are compatible with my truck, that has the features I'm interested in having. However, apart from the price, I cannot find anything different between the two. I thought that maybe the screen was bigger on one than the other, then I realized that the SMALLER one was more expensive! I messaged Bully Dog customer support and they have yet to get back to me. Does anyone have any information/experience with either of these tuners? They are the 50-state GT gas and GT platinum gas tuners. (I also saw the WatchDog but that is a monitor, not a tuner).
Also my father-in-law has an Edge brand tuner that he seems pretty please with, but the price is almost twice as much, and doesnt seem to offer as much as the Bully Dog, plus I've never heard of Edge lol.
Also my father-in-law has an Edge brand tuner that he seems pretty please with, but the price is almost twice as much, and doesnt seem to offer as much as the Bully Dog, plus I've never heard of Edge lol.