On Sunday my youngest ran the battery dead and had to get jumped. This somehow caused my engine hour meter to reset to zero! Didn't discover that that had happened until today while refueling. It'll be a pain to reprogram and cost $55 at Tis2Web to boot.
Last tank just finished up, 13.2 mpg on E85, $.17 cents a mile! Woohoo!
Changed the oil @ 5200 miles, the DIC said 33% oil life remaining.
Waiting for the ground to dry before attempting to fix that bolt, my buddy's barn has mud all around it now from these storms.
Alternator kept up a full charge the whole time I was in the truck tonight even though the Tech2 said it met the charging requirements of being only 75% charged. I'll have to keep an eye on it now. Have a long run coming up in a few days and will see if the battery gets back to normal or if its time to order another. It's still within the 30 month warranty though.
With gasoline going up it sure is nice to pay only $2.29 for E85!
1. How do you know what to put the engine hours at? Have you been writing it down? Is it stored somewhere else like the ABS module?
2. Do you know what all factors the dic looks at for oil life? Mine has been increasing since I bought it, but still only gives me about 4500 miles or so.
3. Does my 06 have a variable charging circuit? I have noticed lately that my needle likes to sit at 12.5 instead of 14.5. Then next time I look it's back. Haven't been able to catch it in the act.