Since the recording of data began and the production of statistics I've always had a discrepancy between fuel pumped and fuel used. Now I'm pretty sure it's been figured out.
The truck has been running 3 separate fuels since October 2017. Each fuel has an almost exact 8% difference between pumped and used. After running the numbers, it has to be that the remote starts do not figure into the DIC numbers. 8% difference between all fuel types and 1.6 GPH which would make sense as the motor runs rich to get up to temp quickly. 99% of my starts are via the remote start feature and by the time we board the truck, it's either about to shut off, just shut off or has been restarted.
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Well, GPH is not accurate, it's the result of dividing the difference into the number of tanks, it's the average amount of fuel "lost" per tank which would mean it's the average amount of fuel used during remote starts for each tank of gas. So that's $4.11, $3.61 and $5.31 per tank to do remote starts.
Hmm. I don't have remote start, yet my fuel used NEVER owns up to how much I have to pump in. I think it got more accurate with e85, but I'll need to look back to check that.