Sounds like a pain, gonna be crazy loud when done.
Pics of horns mounted ?
Yep, it was a pain for sure, but at least they are very loud... Almost as loud as my subs.
So I used a fuse tap to pull power to trigger the relays. It has two slots for fuses. The bottom fuse allows the original horns to work (and the alarm to chirp when armed), but it also worked out so the chirp doesn't sound the air horns. I'm thinking about fixing the second OEM horn so I can have dual stock plus the air horns.
Here you can see my wiring mess so I could at least have it done.
I might come back later and do something about it.
You can also see where my brake lines are leaking where my mechanic fixed them. Still got to take it in and have them fix that. Slow leak at least.

Next you can see the mess I had to leave just to get the horns and compressors tied down some how.
I have some blue high density foam between the short trumpet and the AC line to make sure they don't hit and rub.

Detail showing the dual compressor location:
I've installed air horns on 4 trucks before, but they all had room on the fenders or radiator mount to put one of these compressors... There is just no room in this truck, especially for a pair or compressors and the horns.
A friend told me that his dad ended up installing them to the hood. I might have to investigate that option, but I don't think it will help me that much.
This was a real mess getting these to fit. I still need to figure out something better for the compressors.
(Yes, I did clip the ends off most of the zip ties when I was through.)