I went on behalf of the burb to the exhaust shop that did the manifold replacement in 2018. Some may remember that I had my manifolds replaced and a few broken bolts extracted at that time. Well, I have another broken bolt. So, I made a deal with them, and while it wasnt free, it was basically about half price, maybe a third of retail price to replace all the bolts and put on new gaskets AGAIN. Well, I couldnt find my receipt. Very strange of me, but my mentality was likely that I wouldnt have to worry about it for another 10 years. Well, here we are, and I had no proof of purchase. Thankfully, due to a nice lady working in the office, she took the time to look over their sales numbers for 2018, and they had each transaction as a line item in a spreadsheet .... well the guy who did my paperwork did ZERO effort. Only had my first name, no vehicle information, and whoever entered in manifold in the description column spelled it wrong. Uber receipts to the rescue! I remembered that I had ubered home and to the shop, so I had the exact date and we found the transaction and the myriad of errors causing difficulty in finding it in the first place. Got the thumbs up and she'll get done this week with new ARP bolts and remflex gaskets.