Just remember, you might influence the type of guy she is into later...
I'd be okay with that!
Then the "cleaning this old gun" as the daughters new boyfriend comes to pick her up, "sit on down boy and lets have a talk"

Good reason to get that .50 bmg imo.

Keep em respectful, dad is always watching etc.
That has ALWAYS been the plan!
Her current opinion of boys is that they're disgusting animals, all after only one thing. Speaking of guns, during one of our golf cart talks, I mentioned taking her to the range and she got excited. So, I've been stocking up on cheap range ammo.
Any prospective boyfriend seeing videos of her confidently draining 100-round drum mags should set the tone.
I filled a K5 blazer with 4 12's in a gigantic box.
Old Gen 1 JBL GTI series, running off 1500 rms watts.
That old JBL stuff was pretty solid for mainstream gear. That brought back memories of watching the Sunday papers for doorbuster sales at Circuit City in the 90s - early 00s. JBL, MTX Thunder Series, etc.
I learned how to do electrical type stuff from that little experience.
And i might still have a slight ringing in the 'ole ears.
Yes! There's plenty of science and skills to explain and experience in all things automotive. I just gotta find ways to keep her interested in it.