As my wife would say, "adorbs".
Just remember, you might influence the type of guy she is into later...
Then the "cleaning this old gun" as the daughters new boyfriend comes to pick her up, "sit on down boy and lets have a talk"

Good reason to get that .50 bmg imo.

Keep em respectful, dad is always watching etc.
and i remember my first time experiencing real bass, inner ear temporarily fkd.
me = can't walk stand, or see straight.
Later, i got into it myself.
You get used to it, but the 'ol retinas never do.
I filled a K5 blazer with 4 12's in a gigantic box.
Old Gen 1 JBL GTI series, running off 1500 rms watts.
You could feel the bass from a good block away.
I still have those speakers in storage, but not the box.

Fantastic speakers, they outlived two amps in their lifetime.
The last one i got introduced to this "class D" amp.
blew my mind.
I learned how to do electrical type stuff from that little experience.
And i might still have a slight ringing in the 'ole ears.