I did some oil passageway matching and flowing in the block.
Matched the pan to the block as well.
This last attempt, i also added some oil flow passages to the thrust bearing surface
that was per the instructions from the manufacture of my mains (mahle iirc)
I also have the high-pressure high-volume Melling oil pump (low pressure spring installed).
if anything, it has too much oil flow/volume.
One thing to note, oil pressure is nice and above 40psi at hot idle with a fresh main.
when the thrust surface starts to get worn, i notice the hot oil pressure starts to dip under 40psi.
but i can nearly pin the pressure gauge over 4krpm.
And even with the updated valve cover, and the 3/4in valve cover spacers.
I still get some oil in the catch can.
but only when the oil pressure spikes during a run.
Leading me to think i'm either flooding the heads with oil, or more likely it's spraying up and making it into the pcv.
Also noting that the high flow pump warning was included in the cylinder head manufacture instructions (AFR).
They mentioned that it's possible to flood the valve seals unless the heads were flowed for oil return.
No information on how to do that, however comparing the stock 799 heads they looked like the oil return was a tad better.
And on that, i did modify the lifter trays to help with the oil return, I didn't go crazy as i wanted to keep some oil in the trays.
but they have a path to balance oil between the lifters, and a quicker return path pointed in the center of the block.
In theory, it looked like a good idea.
If the engine comes apart again, i'm going to dump the high flow pump.
And probably go back to an unmodified tray setup.
I do recall that my oil pressure started going weird during engine break-in when trying to do an engine breaking cycle down a hill.
rpm went a little too high, but i ran with it until i saw the oil pressure fluctuate a little.
My issues probably started right around that time, i also had my engine breaking cut to near nothing right about then as well.
blaming that for the trans cooler passageways since engine breaking seems to have returned...
I haven't looked at flow paths in the 6l80, but it's a thing in the 4l60's.
Mostly it's that trans fluid gets cut off to the rear clutches or something along those lines.
I sorta want to pull the engine apart, it would be nice to see how it's doing...
I did get a good look at the cylinder bores from the underside view, and it looks fantastic.
Nice oiling, all cylinders look good.
I also have a spare set of head gaskets on hand.
I ran with a .037 quench instead of the safer ".040".
On one hand,
If it comes apart, i can lower the compression a little more.
(it's like 10.32 right now)
on the other hand, the engine runs great as is, throttle response is quick even with a cobbled together tune.
No real noticeable pinging, even with that low octane fuel i had in the tank.
Probably because of the tight quench...
So, if the engine comes apart, i'll loosen the quench, and lower the compression slightly with that...
Per my lil calculator, it drops it to 10.25 with the different gasket.
I don't really want to change the current setup, just make it work.

Low-end is fantastic, it's the perfect cruiser.
I also ran the 6.2 timing table for a quick run before the issues started, it's "OMG" good.

I'm worried if i lower the compression and loosen up the quench, i might lose some of that awesome low-end power i got.
(Sorry you got morning Chris thoughts/rambling

Also, for anyone that builds engines might know if this is a problem
My crank has what i felt was a rough crank polish.
it's probably like 400-600 grit.
Then i used "race" bearings (tri metal).
the coating pretty much completely came off of the bearings.
still has the soft surface underneath.
I don't see any real thickness change, so i don't think it's an issue.
Just looking at my oem bearings, the coating is still there.
The crank seemed to also polish with the oem bearings.
My crank surface has no change...
I'm wondering if i needed a high polish on the crank for those race bearings.
Or am i just overthinking things?