Yup. First job out of college with my geology degree was mudlogging, but that only lasted for a few months before I was doing the wellsite geologist role. I also started writing software in my spare time on the rig to automate data capture such as ROP, total gas, chromatograph from the analog instruments, and added in the inclination/azimuth at the bit. It allowed us to plot them all alongside each other and play with the scale to make it infinitely faster and easier to make decisions about steering the bit. Prior to that, it was all manual data capture and pen-and-ink plotting for the geologic data, and for a computer nerd just out of college that was unacceptable to me.
Ended up showing the program to a friend of mine over dinner one night who worked for a software company, and they hired me 2 weeks later.
I miss the work and the people, but not the life.
How did you find your way out?