Actual photo of me fixing a tire on my old Acura in podunk Nevada in 2013. Note the creepy guy standing in the shadow of a telephone pole watching us. I was on a post-divorce trip with 2 of my besties (both women

) when we pulled off the highway for gas. Filled the tank, took a piss, and heard air hissing from my car as I walked out. I'd picked up a nail, and as I walked around the lot there were nails everywhere, like they'd been put there deliberately. Then I noticed a tire 'shack' behind the gas station and figured out what was going on. It was Sunday though so the tire shack was closed.
Anyway, since my spare was a donut, I pulled the flat tire off, fixed it with my trusty plug kit, aired it up with the compressor I always carry and got us the heck out of there.
It gets better though. On the way back home a week later, we were driving through the same area in the late afternoon. I was driving, my friend Alesa was in the passenger seat, and my friend Laura was sleeping in the back seat with her head against that same wheel well when the plug I put in let loose with a bang. She woke with a jolt and sat straight up figuring she'd been shot.

This time I changed the tire on the side of the road and went to an actual tire store a little further down the road to get a new one.
These days I carry 2 things in my car on every trip: a spare tire and a pistol.