Yup. Despite decades of research that prove no difference in accident rates between states that have them and states that don’t. It’s a total racket.
I've lived 2 states with them and one without but nothing like that. one was just a general drive thru the facility. honk the horn, hit the lights and wipers. give us money and be on your way.
here it's a shop, but since I run anything tagged from work thru there. they don't even look at my stuff. 7$ and punch the vin in. but not even when they do a full test, it's just a walk around and hit the brakes to make sure they stop kinda thing.
the only annoying thing is it comes up randomly from the date you tagged it. so if feels like I always got something that's over do. I liked it better on your birthday. hurts the wallet more but at least it's one and done.