I've spent some time recently trying to figure out what voltage to run a agm battery at and man it's a mess.
I think you guys have the best chance of running them correctly with adjustment being able to be made to the battery settings with hpt. I don't remember his exact screen name but z71 something, I think was on to the settings.
I'm using one in the c6. it has no ecm voltage adjustments, I've switched to a newer pwm alt but I only have one sitting for voltage control and constant voltage just ain't right. a afm needs to be charged 2 or 3 steps to be fully charged and last a long time. what the voltage is at the steps is based on internal battery Temps. either by sensor or gm doing a bunch of crazy math's.
my volt runs a agm factory, but hpt doesn't define the voltage charge settings. so that's annoying, the yukon, hpt doesn't define the voltage settings to be adjusted on it, it came with a standard lead/acid, but I've changed to agm. I'm sure it needs a different charge settings, even thou it's not a cranking battery, so it probably won't give me the issue yours has. but still I know it's shortening it's life.
blah. I'm half temped to buy or build lithium batteries for everything I own except the volt. the last battery lasted 8 years in it, and it's now in the corvette as a temp battery because the Optima I bought it with finally gave up.