put on the front hellwig 7685 sway bar, not difficult in its self but unless you have a lift in your garage it's going to be a lot easier with help, the hellwig is heavier than the stock bar I ended up using a paint can to hold up one side while I got one bolt in, after doing this I would recommend just using some bailing wire to hold up one end if your doing it alone, also I hope I have it in the right way, lol looks like the picture in the instructions anyway. I haven't really had a chance to see how much difference it really makes yet just up and down the street a couple times, now the front and rear are on and found a leak on the input to the front diff it's not bad but I have a peat peeve for leaks so that will be next.
and if you put these on or any other brand I recommend using some locktite as the bolts will have a tendency to work there way loose and fall out (speaking from previous install experience on other vehicles)
and if you put these on or any other brand I recommend using some locktite as the bolts will have a tendency to work there way loose and fall out (speaking from previous install experience on other vehicles)