3 Screws later, the switch was in.
I plugged in the wire hookups in the right locations, put it all back together, started the truck, and BAM! Nothing. Nothing worked on the switch. Wouldn't move the mirrors, wouldn't adjust the mirrors, and would only let down the driver side window.
So I started Tshoot. Checked window switches on each door. They worked. Crap. Bad new switch, i thought. I unhooked the wire harness from the new switch, and plugged them into the original switch. WORKED, including the blinkers on the mirrors! Bad new switch! So, I installed the original switch back in the door panel, put the door panel back on, and boxed up the new switch for return.
Then I said, let me go look on the manufacturer website to see if I missed anything (no instructions included with the switch):
Yeah, so adding power mirror functionality is NOT a plug and play evolution.