What did you do to the guy and his cigarette? Hooefully you used his eye as an ashtray.
total passive aggressive response.

i didn't see it, but i was in the store for two seconds.
came out and that big truck was next to me, and his girl friend was having a good time watching my response.
Shortly after that I did get a dash cam that captures video front and rear, and audio.
It also captured some homeless looking dude stealing my valve caps on my passenger side...
then later...
Took that car in for an alignment attempt after rebuilding my suspension, caught the tech bad mouthing my car and the owner (me), and then him plotting what he was going to say to the service department so he didn't have to work on it.
Next shop, it caught a guy putting sand in my fluids, including brake fluid...
I'm still glad i my after market valve covers don't have an oil fill.
The second tech, well it turned out to be the crazy neighbors kid behind me.
Well, i say kid but he is like 35.
He hates me and i have no idea why!
Never even talked to him until a few months after he did that, while he was going off at me because my boat was parked to close to the fence or some nonsense.
There i called him on it, and he admitted to the whole thing.
Lots of delusions about me came out right then and there.
Prepare for a story, i think this is therapeutic for me... lol
[Tinfoil hat]
Go back to last summer, i'm starting to figure out who might have put him up to it...
All because 10 years ago i stood up to a crazy old 65 year old neighbor named Russel Ware.
"Weird" stuff has been happening since then.
Last summer he tried to escalate it while i was mowing my lawn at 6pm on a Saturday, new riding mower (v twin, quiet, and has a cup holder

They decided it was a good idea to water me down...
then proceed to harass me.
My security cameras (
that i installed after my neighbors son tried to kill me) caught it all...
So for the crazy "kid", him and his dad would argue often.
So i got a little dish mic so i could see if it involved me in any way...
(crossing a personal line for me, but...)
So after i got hosed down, my attention has since turned to old man Ware.
Got a nice recording of a weird "party" that suddenly appeared right in the middle of me working on my deck...
He took this young fella, sitting on a bench "So my cameras can't see them"
and proceeded to tell him how much he is a victim, he asked him if he had any ideas on how to "Deal with my bad neighbor"...
[/Tinfoil hat]
What happened with old Man Ware to make him hate me so badly?
Flash back 10 years ago...
I took the day off of work to work on my yard, well apparently he was outside (during the day on a Saturday), and i was bothering him/them.
He started off with some lies about how i'm tossing stuff over the fence, i know it's a lie because i was being real careful and keeping a close eye on that side of my yard...
So i apologized and told him I'm sorry but i took the day off in order to try and get my yard in order (just took down some trees).
He didn't like that and then started threating to sue me, i lost all respect for him right then and there, then he proceeded with his son giving me physical threats, and when that only got me annoyed, so they started calling me names.
so my response was very vocal.
I took a que from bugs bunny from there, and i could see that it was not the noise, but my presence.
So i pulled up a chair, a cooler, and proceeded to sit there facing them.
Next day i fueled up my push mower, went out to the back corner of my yard with a bungee cord.
And let her run!!!
Sadly from there forward they are now taking the position that i'm working on my yard to just annoy them.
After the crazy neighbor (Cache Morris) messed with my car, i'm not even going to play along with the silly.
I call the cops.
I also have an attorney that has given me guide lines, however his advice has been to do my thing, and when they start up again call the police again and have them document it.
Once we have enough, we put old man Ware in front of a judge.
A lesser person would move, or maybe a better person... who knows!
but I'm on a path at this point.
I'm also thinking pretty seriously about spending about 2k on a row of evergreen trees...
I hope this was entertaining, and not too rambling.
This has been a sensitive subject for the past year.
Shaking a little while i write this, so emotions typing out can be all....