Did the whole front end on it. EXCEPT I found someone had snapped off one of the sway bar bracket bolts in the past and just welded a spot weld in the corner of the bracket holding it on. So ground that off ended up snapping the other bolt head too, broke 2 drill bits off inside one of the bolts and finally after getting a shit load of metal shavings down my shirt to work in for the rest of the day on this damn thing finally said screw it ill go without the damn sway bar. After all, the original sway bar itself had broken anyway so I basically hadn't had one anyway. This was in November, had my truck apart for 2 weeks and 3 weekends working on this ***** (although I had only worked on it probably 5-6 days in that time period, it's frickin November in MN!) also I didn't do the pitman/idler arm or centerlink. That stuff all seemed pretty tight I guess, couldn't detect any play in it. THE BIGGEST ***** OF ALL on this project was cutting through the lower control arm bolts and bushings, it's hard to avoid hitting them bushing sleeves with a sawzall. Went through several carbid grit (not too cheap) sawzall blades cutting through them ******. The bolts were seized in the bushings hence the headache that ensued. Them bushings were in bad shape so it needed to be done. All new hardware on everything except the wheel hub bolts and brake caliper/bracket bolts. I even sandblasted and painted one of my lower control arms all pretty on my breaks at work but it was taking waaay too long so I only have one nice pretty lca haha. ALSO this being a mn vehicle a partly anticipated the torsion bars being seized in the lcas. DING DING DING the drivers side was pretty easy, the passenger side though, oh my gosh I must've whacked it a thousand times with a big ass 9 pound hammer and heated and sprayed it a dozen times before it finally came out. My arms and patients were DEAD. I'm telling you it was 3-4 hours. For one fn stupid a-- seized thing. Needless to say, I slathered everything heavily with anti seize when I was putting everything back together. And I turned my lower ball joints the wrong way so they can't be greased so guess who gets to replace some lower ball joints again this spring!! Yay but at least I have an idea what I'm doing now and shouldn't be too bad.