I need to do a head gasket replacement as well and I could use all the process from A-Z. I've never done one, and so I could use all the advice and dos and don'ts from someone that's done it a few times. Did you complete the job this past weekend? Was this the first one that you've done? What did you use as your reference guide or instructions?
Well, it’s a hell of a process, to say the least. Give yourself 3x as much time as you think you’ll need and get every possible specialty tool from Autozone. If this is your daily driver, definitely make sure you have a backup. There’s is no one-size-fits-all process for this as there a wide number of very small variations between these motors, even though they are technically the “same”. i had to reference multiple repair guides, forum threads, and videos to get through it. It’s incredibly complicated so move very slowly and label and video tape everything. I marked every stinkin thing I touched with tape so I wouldn’t forget something during reassembly. I also shot the entire process on a GoPro for reference. Before you ask, no, I won’t be posting it anywhere because it’s super long and will be of little benefit to anyone other than me as the angles I chose were crappy. I only did it to have a visual reference when reassembling. This was extremely helpful at a couple crucial moments as, despite my meticulous efforts, I misplaced a couple pieces of hardware, and also needed to jog my memory about how/when something goes back together. There were some incredibly testing periods that got me tossing every curse word I could think of into the midnight air, not the least of which was torquing the head bolts. The clearances for a few bolts were tight, which made hitting the proper degrees VERY difficult! Not to mention they require such a great deal of torque, you HAVE to use a very long wrench, which got very interesting in the tight spaces and with U-joints.
Yes, you absolutely can do it in a weekend, but plan on it taking longer and be EXTREMELY methodical and detail oriented. I can’t stress that enough. No amount of preparation and self support for something like this is too much. If you think you’re ready, prepare more because I promise you’re not, haha!