funny joke and ya but basic colors like white black i mean other colors just aren't that basic and plan but your kinda right
lol... i wasnt joking?.. OH.. you thought the BAKING part was a joke.. actually nooo thats real shit.t. here is a time and temp you can bake the lights at the is hot enough to melt the silicone glue stuff but not hot enough to damage the housing.. You really could pull this off.. it owuld just take some workk
The problem is too.. is there are no too companys that us e the same colors.. not even the blacks and whites.. for instance i HHAATTTEEEE store bought black rims on black vehicles.. because they are NOT the same color.. to me they might as well be Yellow and Green.. the blacks look THAT far apart to me
On a side note.. IF a light company wanted to do a set like this.. they could provide a set of headlights and markers.. already opened and primed black.. with a sealer kit.. so you buy them with the intention of painting and sealing them.. that could work and be kinda cool...
Sorry to pee in your thread wes..
If you need more info.. post a new thread in the regular section and we will get up a plan to getting them done!!