Thank you! I felt lucky AF to be in the position to buy it. I come from humble roots.
Hard to say on the mpg because we only use it for towing our camper. The rest of the time it just sits in the garage with a battery maintainer being driven every 2 weeks or so to keep everything moving and happy. That said, when I drove home from where I bought it in Maryland, it was mostly highway (I-95) and I averaged 19 doing the speed limit (no license plates, didn't want to draw any unwanted attention besides looking like secret service

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When towing our 7500 lb camper, I'm averaging between 8-9 on the flats, and 7-8 in the hills. This picture was taken after driving through the mountains of NC last Labor Day with 5 people + dog + camper. Note that the gas gauge flaked out and went to E for about 200 miles, but the fuel mileage kept computing normally so I had plenty left when I stopped for gas. Hasn't flaked out before or since:
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