I know when we attended IASCA when it was in Perry, GA in a sheep barn, we'd take our own home pro audio gear and the SQ guys would use that as a reference, then sit and adjust in cars.
Back in the early 90's, SQ was huge and SPL was still virgin to many. It's been a huge swing since then, to mostly no SQ and all SPL, streetbeat, bassrace,etc.
So back then, we had a team of about 20-25 top SQ guys, clear up until Gary and Mark worked here directly, building demo cars. At the time, late 90's till early 2001ish, Gary worked for Car Toys in Tulsa, Ok.
So with that swing in car attendance, the switch to SPL was taken. But there was SQ done at these events, like SBN (spring break nationals) and our guys won, Markey Dietrich, Chad Romano, etc. Then at NOPI in Atlanta, Tim and Alison Brown, Cory Himel, etc woud win there.
The Team Kicker was official put to rest over a year ago, right after dbDrag 2007. News reports were on Kicker.com and with the ever changing news and things we get into, it's fallen off the headlines.
SQ (IASCA) is slowly coming back, but due to economic hardship, NOPI in Atlanta (where they hold IASCA world finals) was cancelled last year, so they moved WF to SBN in Daytona 2010. And we have cars in build for it, but IASCA fell off the radar because of this in 2009. The SPL/SQ split is still about 90/10, more leaned towards SPL. But it's slowly coming back. But i will dig thru archives and see what headlines ai can pull out.
Peace man, sorry to sound or come off like a fan, but when i first started and the company was 16 employees and it's turned into what it is over the last 21 years, I take it to heart.

But no harm was ever intended.