This K5 needed quite a bit of work when I first got it. I traded a 1987 S-10 Blazer for it. Before I could take it home it needed a new rear axle and even after that it limped to my house on a transmission that could go past 2nd gear. After getting it to my house here are some pics of how it all looked.

Ugly rusty bumpers that would have fallen off at any random bump had to come off and on went stock bumpers and an electric tailgate.

Next came the old tranny had to come out and I had to rebuild and put back in. Dirty little bastard.

After the transmission was properly tested and broken in, I had to address some safety concerns with the door...

And my redneck remedy...

Then some cosmetic issues with the ugly side mirrors.

Next I had to see what she looked like *******...

Now the real beef... Here is the 4" rear blocks after install

And after the 4" front springs are installed

The truck really started coming together when I got the tires...

Then some more cosmetic work with some badass Bowtie seats and a back seat.

Now here is a little eye candy for y'all after an almost finished project...

And here are a few picks of its maiden voyage at Crown King. Notice the angles of the front and rear axle in the first picture, now that is articulation hahaha!

Little bit of road rash from that second to last pic. ^^^^

Had to weld the seat bracket from the trip but everything else held up.

Another sexy pic...

Couple months later, blown head gasket.

So I decided to put in a 454, tranny and new transfer case...

And that is where I'm at now with it. I need to finish building the exhaust, get new driveshafts made and put everything else back together. I also got some different wheels to mount those KM2's on that have a huge offset so they will be flush with those fruity fender flares. But I wont be able to finish it until I get some Christmas bonus money and possibly tax return money next year.

Ugly rusty bumpers that would have fallen off at any random bump had to come off and on went stock bumpers and an electric tailgate.

Next came the old tranny had to come out and I had to rebuild and put back in. Dirty little bastard.

After the transmission was properly tested and broken in, I had to address some safety concerns with the door...

And my redneck remedy...

Then some cosmetic issues with the ugly side mirrors.

Next I had to see what she looked like *******...

Now the real beef... Here is the 4" rear blocks after install

And after the 4" front springs are installed

The truck really started coming together when I got the tires...

Then some more cosmetic work with some badass Bowtie seats and a back seat.

Now here is a little eye candy for y'all after an almost finished project...

And here are a few picks of its maiden voyage at Crown King. Notice the angles of the front and rear axle in the first picture, now that is articulation hahaha!

Little bit of road rash from that second to last pic. ^^^^

Had to weld the seat bracket from the trip but everything else held up.

Another sexy pic...

Couple months later, blown head gasket.

So I decided to put in a 454, tranny and new transfer case...

And that is where I'm at now with it. I need to finish building the exhaust, get new driveshafts made and put everything else back together. I also got some different wheels to mount those KM2's on that have a huge offset so they will be flush with those fruity fender flares. But I wont be able to finish it until I get some Christmas bonus money and possibly tax return money next year.