Full Access Member
Been a few years since i worked for the Walmart. But did 8 years in the Automotive department. Dont know if they changed suppliers, but it used to be Warren Oil that made SuperTech oil.It has Same gearing as my other 01 I had 3:73 with G80
Just a heads up O'reilly's oil is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY over priced and comes out of the same factory as WalmartAnd AC/Delco filters are JUNK !! Especially those E-Core filters. Go to Walmart and compare side by side the cheap Walmart filters are EXACT same as AC/Delco= JUNK !!! Made by Champion labs they also make the STP filters for Autozone
Napa/Advance Auto/O'reillys sell MUCH higher quality house filters !!
Wix/Fram XG/Titanium/Purolator are top quality filters on market
....................Ya I learned a lot about this crap during COVID lockdown lol