Yes I’ll get the trims and o2 voltage all the 02 sensors are brand new Bosch ones cause I thought it was the cats cause I got the code for the cats performing under threshold so I changed them and the cats looked good I also did a compression test lowest compression was 165 and the highest was 180 I did the pressure test to see if the head gasket was leaking and that was normal but I get a code now for the fuel pump command module that comes and goes I changed the plugs now it’ll start right up and all I get is a p0300 code I’m at a lose I’ll get the o2 sensor voltage and fuel trims and it’s never had e85 in it I’m the second owner and my boss was the first other thing it ran fine one day then the next it wouldn’t run at all unless I pushed on the gas pedalsounds like that ethanol percentage reset thing.
do you have a scanner you can see o2 sensors voltage and fuel trims?