if the truck is clean and you're interested in it. yes, that's a good deal to me.
even if you decided to part it out, if the tranny is good.m there's always a market since no one rebuilds them and the engine is basically an ls2 with slightly higher compression. should sell easily too.
a monthly subscription to like an all data type site will also be worth it's weight in gold.
so the cam and afm stuff. here's what I know and don't know. my personal one is at 166k and seems good, I got it at 130 something and turned it off with hptuners. I then did the crazed performance guy's trick where you block oil going to the afm solenoids and also vent the oil pressure passageway to make sure it can never build up pressure to release the lifters. at least at that point in theory they can't get stuck if they never release and collapse. the damage at that point would be from the other failure points. like plastic lifter trays or the roller bearings. but I feel its cheap eazy and worth a try.
so here's what I don't know. these hybrids have what's called a late valve closing grind cam. it's close to a Miller or Ackerman cycle engine. basically it hangs the valves open a little longer to get a cleaner a/f charge, giving up Dynamic compression. to compensate for that they raised the static compression. it gives up off idle tq you don't need because of the electric motors and tranny is very good at being st the right rpm for mid rpm efficiency. it's kinda a cvvt wouldn't actually being a cvt. which is why this still tow great where anything cvt won't tow itself more than 80k lol.
I do not believe anyone has a non afm cam in this stock grind that would be needed to do a proper delete with 16 standard lifters. now one guy on here mentioned he just put 16 standard lifters on the a stock cam and it was running. he didn't give many details and I'm not sure he did it himself or understood what he did. but he said it was working, but from my research. it really shouldn't, or atleast doesn't on the standard grind afm cam. afm lobe is so different you get missfires. another few have done a normal cam delete kit. I saw that one in a Facebook group. I asked him how it ran or if he was able to tune for it and never got a reply. so I don't know if it works.
hptuners does kinda support these trucks, but not a ton. I was able to request timing retard pid for the scanner and we have access to the timing table. it seems they also added the vvt table, but no maf table. there's only a PE target a/f table. so I'm not sure there's enough in there to tune for a standard cam, or if it would even need a tune. it does have high compression, so you'd definitely need to run 93 all the time if you got rid of the oem cam.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with mine if the afm ever starts tapping haha.