With everyone running around with these stupid phones I doubt it. There was a time when the rear seat DVDs were optional, then standard, then optional again as kids nowadays all have their own little selfie machines to ruin themselves with. Some of those new navigation systems are not part of the car but part of the Onstar subscription which to me seems like its going the way of the rear seat DVDs.
When I was a kid we would count license plates and fight! Kept us busy for hours! I remember our first experience with the rear DVD player. We rented a 2005 Pontiac Montana SV6 in Newark and picked up all of our nieces and nephews and threw them all in the back along with our kids to run some errands. Someone had a Shrek movie or something so my wife got it running and moved the sound to the rear so we didn't have to hear it and the rental didn't have 7 pairs of headsets. Soon the subject of dinner came up so we asked the kids if they wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese, SILENCE! Not a peep from the back with all those rugrats back there. We asked again, nothing. Turned the movie off to get their attention and go to dinner. Anyway, it was funny and memorable. I bought one the next year!