It has been a busy few weeks, not a lot of work on the car but still progress.
I had a plan for the stereo head unit replacement, a cheap Android unit on top and a half din EQ on the bottom. I gathered up my supplies and dug in. The primary reason for the change from the old JVC CD player was I wanted a backup camera. With the top down it is easy to see where you backing to but with the top up it is difficult. Though I always head check while backing I have grown fond of having the camera as a silent assistant. In addition I also wanted a GPS, the ability to play files from USB, phone connectivity and more tone controls than just Bass and Treble. It is difficult to pack all of that into a 1.5 din slot but I gave it a shot.
The head unit, just a basic Android single din unit with an almost 1.5 din screen. I had hoped to have the EQ under it but that meant the screen would have to go over the dash trim and there would be no way to adequately secure it, and it meant if you wanted to take the dash trim off you would have to take the head unit out first. That wasn't very clean and it wasn't going to work. Not a problem, I can work around it. I had many issues while doing this install, the factory radio wiring was showing it's age and a couple of the leads broke out of the connector, I had to de-pin, clean out and solder those wires back to the connector and get them pushed back in.
The only issue with the head unit is the Blue ANT lead is electrically dead, I swapped out units with Amazon and the replacement was the same. The mfg/seller was not really helpful at all, as in they have no real knowledge of the units they sell. I did get a $30 refund for my trouble of diagnosing their head unit for them, so there is that. I mounted a small switch next to the cigarette lighter port to control the antennae and the amp. It is small and unobtrusive and gives the ability to not have the amp and antennae on except when I want them on.
I ran the GPS antennae through the dash and it will come up where the defrost vent is and be secured with Velcro. The microphone went through the dash, up the A pillar and is clipped to the visor. The visor will get replaced at some point in the future, low priority currently.
The EQ, not a bad little unit, the fitment issues with the head unit turned out to be a blessing, the led lights on this EQ are exceedingly bright and blue of course. I have a strong dislike for blue LED as it does more to blind you than is needed, red is a better choice to preserve night vision but these are a fixed blue. The solution was to add it next to the amp which made everything cleaner.
I had a lot of fun with the back up camera, mostly the wire routing. I knew how I wanted the wiring to go but it didn't want to go that way. I am glad I chose the path I did as it exposed other issues I did not know about. I ran the wire along with the rear electrical/bulb wiring and found the connector a disaster, corroded badly with broken wires. It took a lot of deciphering and help from others to get all of this corrected but in doing so I now have a much better connector and found the spare tire light where it had been pushed up into the frame and now it works as it is supposed to.
I have been swapping out to LED lighting whenever I open up a new area of the car.
I cannot test the back up camera as I have no back up lights, if you remember. I got the car as high as I safely can with 4-6 ton jack stands and went about working on the back up light switch. I took a cheap harbor Freight offset 7/8" boxed end wrench and ground it until I could get it on the reverse switch and remove it. I got it out and sure enough it was bad so I ordered a replacement from Zip and decided to drain and fill the transmission. I ordered some Castrol 10W60 and then figured since I was right there I would see if I could figure out why the speedo didn't work.
I removed the VSS and gave it a spin with a variable speed drill and it showed varying AC voltage. It works or at least sends a signal, so I went to inspecting the plastic gears and both are in perfect condition. While checking the small gear on the tranny shaft I noticed it would spin freely and move laterally, this of course wasn't right. No retaining clip on the shaft so that explains why the speedo doesn't work.

I think/home I have found a replacement from at least I hope it is right or can be modified to work. It has a different part number than ZF shows but I believe they are the same part.″-speedometer-drive-gear-clip-6261781/ I hope someone lets me know if it is wrong and has a source for the right part because I could not find an original ZF part. (Edit, this is the wrong part for a Black Tag ZF, this was the correct one. )
This coming week I get to remove the C Beam, the driveshaft and tailhousing to try and get the gear attached back to the tranny. I am going to go ahead and replace the driveshaft u-joints while I am there.