Thanks, it isn't a phone problem, but a BBS software issue, I use my PC, I have a phone, I look at it at least once a day.
This will be a functional restoration, not a Concourse restoration. I will refurbish what I can rescue instead of just buying new or re-pop. The value of these cars just does not warrant a full on restoration.
I have been wanting a C4 since 1983, it didn't happen since there wasn't an 83.

When I saw my first 84 I wasn't exactly "in love", more like eh, technological advancement I can do without, that changed with the L98 which I was truly impressed with. I got my first real job in 1976 doing whatever my mechanic boss wanted, usually that meant under a car doing what his fat old body didn't want to do.

I had just turned 13 and was actually hired to clean dead alternators and starters and rebuild them, which was my boss's real business. The time I spent there was educational, though my family had been drag racing since the early 60's my Dad wasn't much of a teacher and the mechanic that hired me was a good friend of my Dad's. I learned a lot, in fact I can count on one hand the number of times I have hired someone to work on my vehicles. I am not a mechanic, my career was as far from that line of work as imaginable, but I still enjoy turning wrenches when have time. I have restored many vehicles over the years, never show quality but good driver quality. This brings me to the C4, a car I have wanted for a long time but never bought for some reason. Having just sold my restored 1994 F350 4wd CCLB IDI Turbo 5-speed I needed something to keep my hands busy. (Not really, my wife and I are retired and have a small hobby farm with the 3500 sq ft 2 story Barndo I built with my own hands, I stay plenty busy.) Time to find another project.
I have been searching for a C4 for over a year now, I had decided on a 91 with a 6 speed. Turns out that is a hard find, it seems a lot of people want the L98 with the updated interior and exterior, not just me. I found several but the condition was not good or the price objectionable. I found one here in Texas but the transmission was a huge question mark, I did not want to be dealing with needing a rebuilt ZF right off the bat. The rest of the car was in decent shape but owned by a kid and I avoid buying kid owned vehicles, I was a kid once, I know what I did.

The next possible option was an 89 or 90 but it was mostly the same story, too expensive or in too bad of shape. I was trying to talk myself into flying to Vegas for a beautiful 89 six speed car that had a lot of performance goodies on it but driving back 1300 miles with an untested car was asking a lot, and the car owner agreed, he and my wife eventually talked me out of it. I kept looking and one turned up 30 minutes from the farm, a, 89 six speed convertible. I wasn't looking for a convertible but I also wasn't not looking for one. The price was the same as the one in Vegas but the condition a little worse. I did the math, a flight from Austin to Vegas, gas, hotels, tolls and the huge question of if the car would make it made the decision. It was vastly cheaper to get the one I could drive home and put that extra money into the car, both needed interior work and paint work. Turns out the vert was a good buy, mostly. The engine is strong and the tranny shifts right, just a little sloppy. I should not have to pull this engine, a huge plus.
Here is what I started with...