Ah… another addict! I sold my share in my plane in 2023 because I’d moved to VA in 2019 and it was still in Colorado with the other 2 owners. It’s a ‘64 Cessna 182 and I flew it all over the western and central US, plus Alaska and western Canada.You have a plane too? If some come on down to americas seaplane city! Tavares FL FA1 I’ll get you some swag lol.
It’s funny we say all the time there’s really only two types of seaplane pilots. Really darn good ones that are all around studs and high performers. Then not very competent ones which sometimes it’s because they just aren’t super smart, sometimes it’s lack of experience, or bad state of mind. But man it’s so easy to spot good vs bad ones.
Haven’t flown floats since I got my rating, but I agree with you. I spent a summer working for a seaplane service out of Lake Hood in Anchorage as a guide and we’d land on rivers and creeks across the Cook Inlet in the shadow of Denali to drop off/pick up fisherman. Those pilots were good - very few incidents and no fatal accidents in the 30 year history of the company by that time.
I agree - A good pilot is an artist. You know it when you see it.