honestly, i don't see hybrids as being a bad thing at all, but unfortunately, i do not see the future being a bunch of battery powered cars. too many cons to the pros. its a decent system now, but in its infant stage it is very costly. this doesn't allow you to reap the benefits near as much. they really are a status thing. if you buy one to save gas money, you won't save a dime because of the added cost of the hybrid and the cost to replace the batteries once you even get close to braking even. buy one to help the environment? wrong again. these batteries have to do journeys on HUGE oil guzzling tankers across multiple continents with many limited resources mined out of the earth to be created. all in all the creation of the batteries does more damage to the environment than any diesel truck will do in its lifetime 10x over. we need to find a better direction, and start heading there quick.
there are so many other optional sources of energy not being taken seriously its really quite frustrating. but i'm willing to bet hydrogen will be the next fuel source. it is also the most abundant element on the planet. just takes some refining to get it in its pure form. nothing different than today's gasoline. will be perfected with time.