Well, maybe jumped the gun while crying wolf. Spoke to Dealer, they said hey going to this lot is "normal" and our order status is currently 4300 as of this AM, which means, per Dealer again, just waiting to be loaded up on the train. Take it for what its worth but sounded like (this Dealer believes) all vehicles go through this process <shrug>.
I'll keep monitoring it and see if we end up showing a different result here:
Ref I found:
Didn't see 4D00 listed there, but they have a 4B00 which appears to be pretty much the same thing (maybe a typo).
Edit to add, found this:
Not sure we're out of the woods just yet:
• 4200, Shipped (Vehicle has been moved by a carrier to another location or destination. If in combination with a 4300 status code then this is transfer to either a vendor for upfitting or to a distribution yard for final transportation.)
• 4300, Intermediate Delivery (In combination with a 4200 this is saying that the vehicle has been transported to a vendor or to a distribution center.)
• 4B00, Bayed (listed anytime a vehicle is sitting parked waiting for next mode of transportation. It can also be this status while in Quality Control)
We are at 4300 now, not 4B00 (or 4D00 as mentioned here) so, fingers remain crossed.