Inspect the passenger side rear of the Tcase for the famous pump rub pin holes. How many miles is on your Tahoe? Do you know any history of the Tcase? It may be time for a new chain. You dont want to find out the hard way that the chain has stretched. That lesson will destroy your Tcase when it slingshots out and is peaking out of your case. The parts for rebuild arent too bad, especially if you dont have auto 4wd and dont have to buy the clutches for auto 4wd. There is a plate that runs around $25 to prevent future pump rub. If you dont replace that Tcase output seal, dont be surprised that it starts leaking Tcase fluid out at the driveshaft. The flat seal between tranny and Tcase must be replaced. This is what keeps the fluid in the tranny. Fluid is sprayed just forward of that mating surface in the tranny to lube your OD clutches and output bushing.