When your truck was built isn't the governing factor. When your engine was built is the important factor. Many trucks have sat uncompleted waiting for various parts, such that the normal "few weeks" between engine completion and truck completion doesn't always apply to these trucks. Many have sat a long time waiting in various stages of completion. The build date, along with the factory the engine was built in, the shift it was built on and its sequence number is on a sticker on the back of the drivers cylinder head.I'm now convinced it was not a bad batch but just a design flaw. My Yukon was built in May; lifter failure at 5000 miles. Dealer replaced both banks, all 16 lifters. 500 miles later, lifter failure AGAIN. The 75k pile of sh*t is being towed to dealer again tomorrow. If you are on the fence about getting a 21, just go visit the service bay at your local GMC dealer. Mine had 7 Yukons/Tahoe's currently in for lifter failure. It's definitely not just a small vocal few having this issue.
Plenty of threads on this, but I wanted to let people know, just because you had both banks replaced with the supposed *fixed* batch of lifters, you aren't in the clear.
So frustrating, as this was the perfect vehicle for my family. Now I'm trying to find a Jeep Dealer with an allocation for a Wagoneer.
Edit: I guess I am just talking to myself, seems the OP registered, posts his troubles, answered Geotrash's question about being a new poster, then never came back...
I think I kinda know how a trout feels as he is rising for the bait.
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