what lowering kit is everyone using to get a 5 inch drop..? i have a 2003 escalade with autoride and want a 3/5 drop but cant find anyone who makes a kit for it.. im assuming it would be the same as a denali or tahoe.. am i wrong..?
you can do it just will have to remove the fuse to get a full drop. WITh the autoride trucks i do with the djm tb 4 inch spring the stock shocks are to long so i pull the shocks out and pull the fuse out in the eng. comp and put non autoride shocks in and its fine.
another option is pulling the clip off the rear link sensors and keeping fuse in that way has been easier also.
going over 4 inches on stock autoride shocks your way past the shock stroke and just not the best way of doing it. Even with shock extenders.
another thing I do is just jack the truck up and measure the most you can jack it up before the autoride links have no more movement left ie the shortest you can go with out snapping the links at full extension and then measure 1/4 inch more just to be on the safe side and then go tot he hardware store get a threaded bolt and cut the end off and then make my link adjustments as i can. This way you get the most drop you can get and the autoride still works.