Maybe try restore and protect made by Valvoline...
VRP is a good cleaning oil, but takes several full oil change intervals to clean things up.
For immediate unsticking of the piston rings do a piston & combustion chamber soak:
drain the oil and leave the plug out. I took all the sparkies out, squirted Motor Medic engine flush by Gunk(AutoZone) in the plug holes, You can get a turkey baster or large syringe(tractor supply) and let it soak in the combustion chambers for hrs, then put a socket and breaker bar on the harmonic balancer bolt, then wiggled it back and forth, then repeat. I did this several times over a whole weekend. Anything that gets by the rings will drain out.
Before putting the sparkies back in, I spun the engine over a lot with the starter to get it all the Motor Medic out of the combustion chambers.
Re-fill with oil. Drive it for 500 miles. Then do an oil and filter change with the best $$ can buy, and hopefully you'll have great results like me.