Parts needed for this conversion: WIX 51515 oil filter (NAPA Gold 1515 also works), B&M V1A transmission oil filter, well used remote filter mount and hardware, 3/8" OD metal fuel line bent for this application, Derale 3/8" ID transmission cooling hose, fuel injection style hose clamps.
Notes: I installed the B&M transmission filter first, to run the fluid through it and catch anything that falls out from the work I did. At the next oil change, the WIX 51515 will be filled with a fresh quart of Dexron VI and installed for a year. Also, I ended up double clamping everything and used 12 hose clamps.
I wanted to plumb the filter in before the radiator cooler, as hot oil filters better. However, I didn't want to cut the newly installed transmission lines. So, I compromised and cut the existing line from the radiator to the external cooler. Good enough. I cut the hose in the transmission line in the middle. I used the straight bent metal fuel line and transmission cooling hose to connect the upper radiator out transmission line to the inlet of the filter mount. I used the round bent metal fuel line and transmission cooling hose to connect the outlet of the filter mount to the inlet transmission line to the external cooler. It took me awhile and several tries to get the metal lines bent to where they fit snugly and were to my liking.

Looking down at the existing transmission line from the upper radiator port.
I drilled and tapped three 5/16-24 NF holes in the frame to install the filter mount. I made a template from the mount holes, and used my transfer punch set, and still drilled the holes a little off.

Remote transmission filter mount and B&M filter installed.

Looking down at the remote filter installation. Note that I secured the transmission line with a P-clip and spacers to the passenger's side fan shroud. There was already a hole there. Just put a bolt, spacer, and nut on it.

Another view of the remote filter installation.
This remote filter still fits under the front air deflector. Yet, if it leaks, the leaks will fall out the back of the deflector and be seen by me.