Ok, Here's a quick snapshot of my truck climbing out of a steep driveway onto the road and running through the gears until right before the converter locked up. You can see what the presssures are and how the solenoids turn on and off to move her through the gears.
About 21 seconds in, she's in 6th gear and now you can see the pressures of the Line PC and TCC solenoids as the converter locks and unlocks.
Hope this helps and it would be interesting if some of you Tech-2 guys could run a similar scan and see what your pressures are. At the time of this video, my truck has about 147K miles on its original transmission and 30K on the fluid which stands at 80% life.
If the video is ever lost, the 2-5 PC Solenoids were at 109 PSI, Line PC varied but was 11-13 PSI with the converter locked up and 70 PSI when slipping.