You bet. The whole saga is right here, and is still ongoing:
With a cam swap that includes AFM delete, it's like pulling a piece of tinsel out of a cat's butt: you keep pulling and find a bunch of other shit that needs cleaning up. You have to pull the heads to get the lifters out, and then while you're in there you might as well replace the timing chain and tensioner. But to do that you have to pull the oil pan, so you might as well replace the oil pump too, etc, etc, etc. And because you touch so many things, the chances of problems occurring as a result of the process go up. But on the upside, you learn A TON, and will never need to fear digging deep on one of these trucks again.
Holy smokes, thanks for the terrific thread.
I have two very full, very large, roll around tool boxes, a dozen rough neck tubs full of speciality tools and a corner of the garage jammed with various roll around lifts, jacks, stands, etc. All of the above relics of my road racing days.
One of the lessons I learned about myself and engines during my racing days was, other than maybe freshening a head or fine "tuning", engine work will always be left to engine specialists. I never won a race until I got that through my head.
I really appreciate your diligence in posting the whole story of your journey with your AFM delete.
I think I will take your advice and give that Range Tech dongle a go.