Those were my goals too, and a Stage 1 cam would still serve those goals. What sent me over the edge toward the stage 2 was the videos I found of that cam idling, and the conversation I had with the guy from Brian Tooley on the phone after discussing how I use the truck and my priorities. The stage 2 is beastly, but still has decent daily driver manners and is a set/forget package that should live a long, reliable life. The stage 1 is a little less beastly and has OEM-like manners.
I believe the pressure relief valve opens at 55 psi.
Thanks for the info. I just sent BB an email with some questions. My thoughts are maybe I do the AFM delete tune first and then do the lifter/cam delete with a follow up tune to dial everything a little. My main concern at this point would be making sure I will pass an Idaho emissions test after all is said and done.
I know I am probably being overly optimistic, but a straight lifter/cam swap doesn’t sound too daunting. On the other hand, having to spend a lot of time on that cold garage floor (if I dropped the oil pan) might have me looking for a shop for all this stuff.