Well ok so last night I pulled the air box out so I could install my JDM yellow high beams and decided to open the air box up and found what looks like sand and weird leaves at the bottom of the air box!!!!! Cleaned it all out but now I’m concerned how much of that sucked into the engine
I’m curious about just saving the $350+ and Swiss cheese the box? Maybe cut out the bottom with a dremel but leave the mounting feet just say I can get a little more sound, and swap the stop tube for a airaid jr? If this is a pointless mod than I’ll just stop now
I’ll be honest in the past it’s always been a hit or miss for me when bolting on any CAI
Your throttle body is 80mm in diameter (3.15"). That's 7.74 square inches of area. I'm 100% sure that that trapezoid opening leading to the fender is larger that 7.74 square inches. It physically can NOT choke the throttle body of air. Ever tried breathing through a straw? That's a choke. Now imagine wrapping your lips around the small end of a road cone and breathing- no problem, right?
Swiss cheesing the box, cutting out the floor, etc. will only open it up to engine bay air, which is in no way, shape or form "cold".
I opened mine up to merge with the smaller oval hole below it "just cuz". If anything, I gained some sound. I'll never know cuz I did this to kill some time during my engine work, which included a cam and catless headers. So, it got loud anyway!
Marketing has people thinking that a chrome tube with gauze filter on the end means "cold" just because they call it a "cold air intake". Cold is in reference to temperature and, in this sense, is relevant to engine bay heat. There's nothing cold or even cool about that. Maybe your
"hit or miss" from a "CAI" was if you installed it during the winter or summer.